Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well i have not been able to make a post for a while ... i kinda sorta broke my laptop and had to send it in.. something about frying my motherboard? Anywho yay i have it back and i have to try hard not to break it again.. ok so what has been going on? Well Mikey is almost completely potty trained... he spends most the day pantsless but he goes in the little potty now instead of the floor lol. Juju is doing well in school and they have him in some special programs to help him catch up to the other kids... not like special ed but like speech therapy and stuff. Anywho ya um Brian was on the phone with the lady from his potential school last night and she is calling tonight to get his application in I think. I am well the same as always just trying to keep it together. The boys are making it extremley difficult though. They decided to color the walls for me with markers... still tryin to get it off... mikey got a dvd shoved to far in the dvd player so i had to take it apart. but this is all part of the job right? lol man i hope so . Well i have pics from halloween i will put up as soon as i can find my cord so stay tuned!


mom said...

Your boys are so cute in those costumes. What a fun night you guys must have had trick-or-treating. They are just the right age for LOTS OF CANDY!

Melissa and Michael said...

you can get magic erase markers from mr. clean and they will easily take marker off walls trust me i have had to do it before.

Shara Libby said...

LOL i have been usin toothpaste so far and it gets it almost all the way off. Thanks =) They didnt get much candy this year cuz our ward is stupid and refused to do the trunk or treat... we went around my friends neighbor hood and most of the people ignored the doorbell... cant wait to be home where if their light is oin they hand otu candy and most of them are handing out. The boys were disappointed that they didnt get more lol Oh well they really dont need it haha.