Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I guess you are right...

After a long conversation and now another therapy session i have come to the conclusion that i am and will be ok. I have always been too hard on myself and failed miserably at life (at least i thought i did). I now realize that as someone recently told me i take things too personally... not an insulting you take things too personally but like lighten up its not that big a deal kinda thing. So now what? If i am to do as my therapist says and let go of the negative self image what am i left with? Who am i without all the drama? I don't really want my life to be worse than daytime tv anymore i swear i just have been so used to it that i am now at a loss as to who i really am... i had a glimpse of who i wanted to be a few years ago but is that who i really am? maybe only time will tell in the meantime despite all the crap life hands us we are gonna be ok just like we have been for the last 5 years... we had our 5 year anniversary btw and he bought me this awesome 130 dollar vaccum which to me seems and insane amount to spend on a vaccum but i love it anyways. Besides Dana got a dyson that was roughly 800 dollars i think. I know what you are thinking HOLY FREAKING CRAP! 800 dollars for a vaccum!? but hey to each their own right? =)