Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why is this time different?

As you know I have my boys and I love them very much but I am experiencing a kind of euphoria about having this little girl that I have not experienced before.
So the question is why? Even if she had been a boy I would have been happy to have her but is there something about girls that just makes you feel so happy?
It has been almost 5 years since I had a child and it's not necessarily new but things have changed a lot. New toys, new kinds of cribs that go up to a full!? and most importantly since I have had only boys.. girl stuff!
I am just not able to understand this feeling yet and find myself exceptional eager to see her. Even though Brian has expressed a fear that she might be ugly... honestly? Has he even looked at our boys?!
The other thing that I have been wondering is since I have never really been a girly girl, am I going to be a disappointing mother to a little girl? This silly part of me wants to have princess toys and bedding and pink and purple everywhere even though I don't often get myself anything in those colors. Is it hypocritical to want her to be super femmy?
Well no matter what happens we are looking forward to having her here even though she is going to be an alien here for a while! =)